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Hurricane Preparedness

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Hurricane Preparedness – It’s an Everyday Job

The Atlantic hurricane season officially runs from June 1 to November 30 each year, although hurricanes have been known to occur at other times during the year. Because of the unpredictable paths and intensities of hurricanes, constant preparedness is essential in our part of the world.

At FortisTCI, hurricane preparedness is a year-round job, and we urge all our customers and stakeholders to be in a constant state of readiness for these weather systems and other disasters.


For Additional Hurricane Information Visit the National Hurricane Centre
  • Alberto (al-BAIR-toe)
  • Beryl (BEHR-ril)
  • Chris (kris)
  • Debby (DEH-bee)
  • Ernesto (er-NES-toh)
  • Francine (fran-SEEN)
  • Gordon (GOR-duhn)
  • Helene (heh-LEEN)
  • Isaac (EYE-zik)
  • Joyce (joys)
  • Kirk (kurk)
  • Leslie (LEHZ-lee)
  • Milton (MIL-ton)
  • Nadine (nay-DEEN)
  • Oscar (AHS-kur)
  • Patty (PAT-ee)
  • Rafael (rah-fah-ELL)
  • Sara (SAIR-uh)
  • Tony (TOH-nee)
  • Valerie (VAH-lur-ee)
  • William (WILL-yum)

As a provider of an essential service, we at FortisTCI take our responsibilities to our customer seriously. Therefore, FortisTCI has a hurricane preparation program to ensure its readiness for hurricanes and other natural disasters. Our principal disaster preparation objectives are:

  • To ensure that all practical precautions are taken in advance to minimize, prevent and protect against the risk of injury to staff and loss or damage to FortisTCI's property during a hurricane
  • To ensure that a predetermined plan exists for the restoration of electricity in a post-hurricane situation.

An essential part of FortisTCI's preparation program is our Hurricane Committee, which is comprised of key personnel within each operating division. The Committee's responsibilities include ensuring that comprehensive preparation measures are in place prior to hurricane season, maintaining the Hurricane Command Centre in a full state of preparedness, and reviewing and revising FortisTCI's official Hurricane Manual annually for distribution to staff.

Furthermore, each FortisTCI Vice-President is responsible for yearly preparedness as outlined in the Hurricane Manual, and for conducting regular reviews of his or her division's activities in this regard. These activities include guaranteeing the availability of generating units, emergency generators, line vehicles and other production and T&D equipment before, during and after a storm; ensuring that the company's onsite Hurricane Centre (designed to withstand maximum winds of 150 mph) is readily adaptable for emergency usage; and training personnel for first-aid and other safety purposes.

FortisTCI has comprehensive procedures and action plans in place for preparing its staff and plant facilities for an approaching hurricane and restoring power to customers as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible after the storm has passed.

  • Hurricane - a violent tropical storm having wind speeds of, or in excess of 73mph (121.2km).
  • Hurricane Watch - a threat of hurricane conditions within 24-36 hours.
  • Hurricane Warning - hurricane conditions are expected in 24 hours or less. Actions for protection of life and property should begin immediately when the warning is issued.
  • Flash Flood Watch - flash flood is possible in the area, stay alert.
  • Flash Flood Warning - flash flood is imminent, take immediate action.
  • Hurricane Season - June 1 to November 30 in the Caribbean.
  • Eye of the storm / Calm Centre - circular region of relatively light winds and fair weather found at the center of a severe tropical cyclonic storm.

You should have:

  • Bottled drinking water - seven gallons per person.
  • Water for personal hygiene - seven gallons per person.
  • Eyeglasses, and at least a week’s supply of prescription medicine.
  • Non-perishable food and beverages - five to seven days’ supply.
  • Blankets, sleeping bags, towels, soap, shampoo, toilet paper.
  • Battery operated radios, one flashlight per person and spare batteries.
  • Insect repellent, fire extinguisher, matches, candles.
  • Cutlery, manual can opener.
  • Tool kit, nails, plastic sheeting, duct tape.
  • Disinfectant, cleaning supplies, change of clothing.
  • Plastic garbage bags, water purification kit.

You should have:

  • Band Aids
  • First aid tape
  • Large bandages
  • Gauze rolls and cotton pads
  • Scissors, tweezers and knife
  • Medicines

Bad storms can cripple a community, shutting down stores and services for many days. We recommend you have five to seven days’ supply of food and bottled water on hand if you’re staying at home.

After the storm, you may remain without utilities for several days. Have on hand:

  • Barbeque grill with extra charcoal, or a gas grill, Sterno stove or camp stove with extra fuel
  • Cooking pot or pan
  • Disposable knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups and towels
  • Plastic measuring cup
  • Pocket knife
  • Waterproof matches
  • Portable ice chest
  • Plan where your boat will be in the event of a hurricane.
  • If you plan to move it, make sure your vessel is in good running order, is fueled, and batteries are charged.
  • Coordinate mooring plans with boat owners around you.
  • Find out from the dock master what the marina’s hurricane plans are, so you can plan accordingly.
  • Pocket knife
  • Waterproof matches
  • Portable ice chest
  • Pets are not normally allowed in evacuation centers and shelters; only animals such as seeing eye dogs may be permitted.
  • If you live in an evacuation zone and plan to go to a place where your pet will not be welcome, make arrangements for a safe place for your pet prior to a hurricane.
  • Call your veterinarian to find out where you can board your pet if a hurricane threatens.
  • Contact hotels and motels in non-evacuation areas to see if they will allow you and your pet to stay with them during a storm.
  • Make sure you have supplies for pets for two weeks.

Before a Hurricane

  • Board all windows.
  • Check that battery powered equipment is operational.
  • Fill all vehicles gas tanks and keep vehicles on high ground.
  • Secure your boat and plan shelter for pets.
  • Trim your trees and clear your yard of loose objects.
  • Check your survival kit.
  • Avoid low lying locations that may be susceptible to high tides or storm waves; assess your need for an escape plan or alternative shelter.

During a Hurricane

  • Stay inside during the storm and be aware that the calm eye of a storm may be short lived.
  • Avoid using an open flame.
  • Avoid operating a generator or using a telephone.
  • All your appliances should be unplugged to prevent damage to your appliances from low and or fluctuating voltage.
  • Your main breaker should be turned off if flood or excess water is anticipated and should not be turned on again if flooding or excess water is found, until a qualified electrician has checked it and advised that it is safe to energize.

After a Hurricane

  • Listen to the radio for all official reports and instructions.
  • If your electrical system seems undamaged, turn on a single light so that you will know when the power is back on.
  • Survey your home for structural damage and if you suspect dangerous conditions, arrange to move to a safe location.
  • Avoid going anywhere near downed lines regardless of whether they are believed to carry electricity.
  • If you use a generator, make sure it has no connection whatsoever with the public system.

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