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Press Release

Fortis TCI Press Release

LEADERship Programme to Develop FortisTCI's future leaders!

LEADERship Programme to Develop FortisTCI's future leaders! 18Oct 2011


Front row, left to right - George Hinson, Durrell Landy, Warren Madden, Walter Wilson
Back row, left to right - Alvejes Desir, Roxie Williams, John Gardiner, Francis Oyakhire
Missing - Denzel Smith, James Julien, Mervin Forbes, Anthony Williams 



Last month, FortisTCI Ltd signed an agreement with BNC Consulting Group, TCI's leading HR consulting services company, to provide selected inpiduals with leadership skills necessary to advance in the workplace.



The 12-month comprehensive LEADERship development programme designed by BNC Consulting, focuses on the four core aspects of leadership (Discipline, Communication, Behaviour and Influence) and will assist the employees with developing their leadership skills. In addition to the theoretical training, the programme is customised and is linked to the participants' actual job responsibilities in order to encourage real-time application of training to on the job challenges.

Commenting on the programme were participants Durrell Landy and Walter Wilson, who both expressed their enthusiasm and excitement, noting that they are currently undertaking their Discipline module which includes fitness sessions with renowned fitness instructor John Wright of Wrightfully Fit Fitness Centre.

Durrell stated, "The training so far is geared towards training the whole body and is doing precisely that. Though physically challenging, I have seen significant improvements throughout the entire team. A determined mindset is simultaneously developed as our strengths and limits are pushed higher. I believe the programme will allow us to develop our team building, problem solving and conflict management skills, all necessary for better performance, improved work relationships, greater job satisfaction and definitely career advancement."

`Also commenting on the detailed and intense programme was Human Resources Director Judy Missick who said, "The programme which is tailored to FortisTCI's management development needs will without a doubt enhance the Company's long term staff development objectives. Here at FortisTCI, we have a team of young eager professionals and we are dedicated to guiding them and developing their skills so that they can become future leaders. FortisTCI considers our staff our most valuable asset and continuous training will remain a critical part of our corporate agenda."